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  • #2


    • #3
      (MENAFN - Muscat Daily) A group of Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) students is organising a campaign titled To Be Large' to set up a student union at the varsity. The group has submitted a draft report to the varsity on the formation, regulatory mechanism and aims of the proposed student union.Qais Salim Mohammed al Muqrishi, a fifth-year student of mechanical engineering at SQU and the head of To Be Large' campaign, said, ''The draft report has been submitted to Tawfeeq al Lawati, a Shura Council member, Dr Ali al Bemani, vice chancellor chairman of SQU and Dr Hamed al Ghafri, the chairman of the National Youth Committee (NYC) during several meetings held last month.''According to a statement issued by the student group, the proposal to take the student union idea forward was made after receiving approval from a SQU committee, which had held several meetings with student representatives earlier this year. ''It's not a new proposal as we have been demanding the establishment of an SQU student union for a while now. The demand was raised again during student protests at SQU last year,'' Muqrishi said.He said that eight students joined the campaign initially which, began on June 18. ''Now, 40 students are already part of the campaign, and we are still receiving requests from those who wish to join the campaign. The student union concept is new in the sultanate and we are studying how similar unions function in countries such as Kuwait, Egypt, Algeria and Bahrain. We are also currently in the process of setting up a committee which will prepare a five-year strategy for the union.''Dr Ghafri said that NYC will look into the report and submit its views accordingly.Lawati said, ''I have passed on the draft report to concerned people at the Shura Council, and advised students to make the best possible use of international experiences in setting up such a union.''


      • #4
        عليكم السلآم "

        هذآ آخر بيآن لحملة ليولد كبيرآ ..

        يتضح من خلآله بأن الحملة أنتهت من وضع تصور متكآمل للإتحآد الطلآبي في الجآمعة
        و تتجه الآن نحو توعية الطلآب بأهمية الاتحآد وأهمية مشآركتهم فيه !!
        وتم تسليمه لجهآت 3 تم ذكرهآ في البيآن السآبق"

        خـلگ ســـــمـآ واتـرگ القآع للقآع


        • #5
          ماعندي فكره ولا حتى خلفيه عن الموضوع

          روح للي خلاك تاج راسه واعرف اني تاج راسك وراسه

          عطيتك يالغلا كل عمري وتبخل تراضي بخاطري بالكلمات

          وان كان ماهمك كياني وقدري ع الأقل للحب قدر وكرامات

