
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

عاجل جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • عاجل جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا

    «®°·.¸.•°°·.¸¸.•°°·.¸.•°®»بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييز ساعدوني عندي بريزينتيشن عن قصيدة في الليتيريتشر وما حصلت معلومات عنها والقصيدة هي "Go Lovely Rose" ل "edmund waller"......... «®°·.¸.•°°·.¸¸.•°°·.¸.•°®»

  • #2
    هلا اخووووي ،،
    ولا يهمك جاري البحث .................................................. .

    " الهجرس"


    • #3
      اختي اذا ما كنتي محصلة معلومات عنها حاولي تغيريها..

      عموما اذا كان عندي وقت انشالله رح ادورلك((بس ما اعتقد رح احصل وقت))
      بلا توقيع إلى إشعار آخر


      • #4
        اختي بحاول اساعدك

        بس اذا محاصلت منك سموحة

        شكرا اختي so cute على التوقيع الحلووووووووو


        • #5
          دوري غيرها...
          .. وخـيرُ جلـ( كتـابُ )ـيسٍ فالـزمانِ ..
          { ابـتـسمـ ... ترا العـمر لحـظه }



          • #6
            [align=center]Go, Lovely Rose!

            Edmund Waller (1606–1687)

            GO, lovely Rose!
            Tell her, that wastes her time and me,
            That now she knows,
            When I resemble her to thee,
            How sweet and fair she seems to be.

            Tell her that’s young
            And shuns to have her graces spied,
            That hadst thou sprung
            In deserts, where no men abide,
            Thou must have uncommended died.

            Small is the worth
            Of beauty from the light retired:
            Bid her come forth,
            Suffer herself to be desired,
            And not blush so to be admired.

            Then die! that she
            The common fate of all things rare
            May read in thee:
            How small a part of time they share
            They are so wondrous sweet and fair!

            فهمك كفاية!


            • #7
              [align=left]Edmund Waller
              1606 - 1687
              Born in Buckinghamshire as the eldest son of a wealthy landowner, Edmund Waller was educated at Eton and Kings College, Cambridge. He left Kings College without gaining a degree and instead went to Lincoln's Inn in order to study law. He was elected to parliament at the early age of sixteen, and wrote his first verse at the age of nineteen. In his political career he gained a reputation for brilliance as an orator. Although he was committed to remaining politically moderate in the troubled 1640's, by 1643 he had become a convinced Royalist and was involved in a plot to seize and secure London for Charles the first. The plot was uncovered and despite an eloquent appeal in his own defence, Waller was fined, imprisoned and finally exiled from Britain. He was eventually allowed back into the country in 1652 and returned to parliament. Much of Waller's verse consisted of praise for 'Sacharissa', a name he used for Lady Dorothy Sidney whom he courted unsuccessfully in the 1630's; the most well known of these writings today are On a Girdle and Go Lovely Rose. Waller's writing was praised by Dryden for its "sweetness," and his style is marked by its smoothness and order. Despite enjoying great fame and esteem in his lifetime, Waller's reputation declined with criticisms of blandness. His work did influence the literature of the Eighteenth Century, with his most remembered achievement being the perfection of the 'heroic couplet'.[/align]

              [align=left]His Majesty's Escape at St Andrere (1625), On a Girdle, Go lovely Rose and Poems (all from 1645), A Panygeric to My Lord Protector (1655), To My Lady Morton (1661), Instructions to a Painter (1666), Of the Lady Mary (1677) and Divine Poems (1685). [/align]

              فهمك كفاية!


              • #8
                هذي اجمل قصيدة سمعتها فحياتي،،،،بس عالأقل قولوا شكرا حال ملك الجامعة
                أيا معشر العشاق بالله خبروا
                إذا حل عشق بالفتى كيف يصنع
                يداري هواه ثم يكتم سره
                ويخضع في كل الأمور ويخشع


                • #9
                  صراحه قصيدة وااااااايد حلوه


                  • #10
                    ثاااانكس الوت ملك الجامعة .....

