
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

a poem " Invisible creatures"

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • a poem " Invisible creatures"

    Invisible Creatures

    As my mind creates another world
    It has creatures without a lord
    No one guides them in a land
    They live in a peaceful world
    They live in a rainbow land
    Green, red, blue and yellow
    Once I intruded them
    I ask them for help
    They meet me in an assembly
    They help me; they rescue me
    They are invisible creatures
    They want to be with me
    They are here, somewhere
    They ask me for help
    They want not to be invisible anymore
    I can't get them into the real world
    Beautiful, wonderful, pure creatures
    I'm really very poor to rescue u
    But what can I do?
    Really, very sad without you
    Emotions, imagination and inspiration
    Without you I can't be creative
    You make me as if I'm on cloud nine
    My mind, my emotions are involved
    Feelings and inspirations are evoked
    To write inspirational poems
    Reciting that our lives have two sides
    Happiness and sadness
    Happiness grows with
    That crescent shape
    Dears just smile
    To make that shape
    Sadness grows with
    That concave shape
    Dears don't be sad
    To be like a dark cave
    As an old man with a cane
    The cane is his only friend
    Guiding him to his fate
    To see his mate
    There is no mate
    Just a cane and a fate
    Dears don't be like that
    Don't be a lone
    Haven't you ever heard?
    A friend in need;
    Is a friend indeed?
    الملفات المرفقة
    [email protected]
    visit me

  • #2
    نبا الترجمة بالعربي ,, خخخخ
    يسلمو خيو عالبويم الفنانة خخ
    حملة لحماية الصراصير من الزنانيب

