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بيع الابتوبات المستعملة..بقيم ولا أروع

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  • بيع الابتوبات المستعملة..بقيم ولا أروع

    لابتوبات مستعملة بحالة ممتازة وبقيم ولا أروع..ومواصفات تراعي الحاجة العصرية..
    تأتي على شحنات وبحسب تزايد الطلب عليها..
    للإستفسار أكثر وأكثر بإمكانك المراسلة على الخاص...
    وأشكركم جدا..


  • #2
    A Physiological and Social Phenomenon

    A Physiological and Social PhenomenonWhen it comes to the question of why certain parts of our bodies—feet, chest, lower backs, underarms, etc.—are more sensitive than others, some believe that it’s an evolutionary trait we’ve developed to protect ourselves from small bugs, wow power leveling spiders, and other surprise attackers. The key word here is surprise—the grazing touch usually needs to come unexpectedly to yield laughter. wow power leveling Research has shown that the cerebellum, which registers touch, shows more activity when the touch is a surprise rather than anticipated. If the brain recognizes that the touch is coming, it will make the nerve response less intense, which is why we can’t tickle ourselves successfully. Why we laugh when tickled is possibly where social cues come into play. Tickling that produces laughter is referred to as gargalesis, a term coined by two psychologists, Arthur Allin and G. Stanley Hall. (They differentiate this type of tickling from knismesis, which is akin to a light itch.) Gargalesis usually only occurs when the tickler and cheap archlord gold the tickler’s “victim” are familiar and comfortable with each other. A child being tickled by his or her parent, or a person being tickled by a archlord online gold partner or close friend, will often attempt to escape the attack, but will laugh when doing so. However, imagine if a random person on the street or even someone you just met tried to tickle you. The response would probably not be laughter—in fact, it would be downright awkward and creepy. That’s because we learn from a young age that it’s archlord power leveling only socially acceptable for those we trust to have that kind of contact with us.
    wow gold


    • #3
      عرض جميل على اللابتوبات

      لكن ماهي الأنواع المتوفرة وميزاتها

      ولماذا لا يبدو لي رد الأخت Gusoir50 منطقيا هنا
      فهي تتحدث عن ردات الفعل العصبية

      سلمت يمناك
      ودمت بود


      • #4

