حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحةاتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455واتس اب: 96654321455+ايميل : [email protected]سكايبي : a_al_shoraحل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحةحل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.mسكايبي: a_al_shoraواتس اب: OO96654.
M359 Relational databases: theory and practice TMA Fall 2013-2014 Cut-off date: 11, December 2013 Question 1 10 MarksBriefly describe the term “Cloud Database”. Your answer should include definition, different methods to run cloud database, benefits and examples of cloud database services. You need to check your e-library or external resources to provide an adequate answer to this question. Zero mark will be awarded for the answers without proper referencing. Question 2 20 MarksThis question assesses your understanding of the Conceptual Data Model (CDM) presented in section 5 of Block 1. Give a conceptual data model (CDM) for the following given scenario using the Entity-Relationship model, including the complete E-R diagram, the entity types and any required constraints and assumptions. A social recreation club would like to create a database to keep track of club members, committees and activities. Suppose that after requirements collection and the analysis phase the database designers provide the following descriptions to be represented in the database.The club forms committees for different activities. Committee is formed by several members. Each committee has a unique name, a unique number, and a particular member who manages the committee. The system keeps track of the start date when that member began managing the committee. A committee controls a number of activities, each of which has a unique name, a unique number and description of the event. A committee may organize activities for several events. The database stores the member’s unique identification number, member name, address, gender and birth date. A member is assigned to one committee, but may participate on several activities, which are not necessarily controlled by the same committee. The system keeps track of the direct head of team members (who is another member). For payment purpose the system also keeps track of details of non-club members participating in the activities, in special circumstances. Their details to be stored in the system are artist’s first name, gender, birth date and the club member who recommended them to the club. Question 3 20 MarksThis question assesses your understanding of E-R conceptual modeling as discussed in Section 5 of Block 1 and assesses your knowledge of Block 2, Sections 2 and 4, and in particular, your understanding of the relational representations. Questions a and b assess your ability to transform a simple E-R fragment into a corresponding relational representation and questions c and d assess your ability to transform relational representation into corresponding E-R fragmenta. Convert the following E-R fragment into a relational representation. Customer (CustomerID, CustomerName) Students (InvoiceNo, InvoiceDate) b. Convert the following E-R fragment into a relational representation. Professor (StaffID, StaffName) Conference (ConferenceID,ConferenceTtile) c. Convert the following relational representation back into a CDM using two relationships and three entity types. relation Author AuthorID:AuthorIDs AuthorName: AuthorNames primary key AuthorID relation Submits AuthorID: AuthorIDs ArticleNo: ArticleNos primary key ArticleNo foreign key AuthorID references Author foreign key ArticleNo references Article constraint ((project Article over ArticleNo) difference (project Submits over ArticleNo)) is empty relation Article ArticleNo: ArticleNos ArticleTitle: ArticleTitles primary key ArticleNoa. Convert the following relational representation back into a CDM using two relationships and two entity types. relation Staff StaffID: StaffIDs StaffName: StaffNames primary key StaffID relation Project ProjectID: ProjectIDs ProjectName:ProjectNames StaffID: StaffIDs primary key ProjectID alternate key StaffID foreign key StaffID references Staff Question 4 20 MarksThis question assesses your understanding of manipulating relations and constraints as discussed in Sections 3-5 of Block 2. 1. Find all studentIDs and courseIds of course ‘C2’ with registration date less than 12/12/2004 2. Find course_codes of courses taught by the tutor ‘Lai’3. Find the staff numbers and names of all staff members who are not working as tutors.4. Find the ids and names of all students in region number 4 together with the titles and enrollment date of the courses they are currently enrolled in. 5. Find the ids of all students who are enrolled in courses with a quota 250 along with the course ID and their titles.Question 5 10 MarksThis question assesses your understanding of normal forms as discussed in Section 5 of Block 2. Consider the relation R = (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) and the set of functional dependencies A, B -> CA -> D, EB ->F F -> G, H D -> I, Ja. What is the key for R? b. Decompose R into 2NF, then 3NF relations.Question 6 20 MarksThis question is based on Section 1,2,3 and 4 of Block 3. It assesses your ability to write and understand simple SQL queries (as defined in the sections). To answer this question, you should use the University database as it is provided in the course software and as summarized in the University database cards.Write SQL queries, and run them using iSQL against the University database. Include in your answer BOTH the SQL query you wrote and the output table that results. You MUST use meaningful column names, which may require using column aliases in the SQL query. 1. Find all studentIDs and courseIds of course ‘C2’ with registration date less than 12/12/2004 2. Find course_codes of courses taught by tutor ‘Lai’3. Find the staff numbers and names of all staff members who are not working as tutors.4. Find the ids and names of all students in region number 4 together with the titles and enrollment date of the courses they are currently enrolled in. 5. Find the ids of all students who are enrolled in courses with a quota 250 along with the course ID and their titles.End of TMAحل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحةاتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455واتس اب: 96654321455+ايميل : [email protected]سكايبي : a_al_shoraحل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحةحل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.mسكايبي: a_al_shoraواتس اب: OO96654.