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المنهاج 2016 في ( حلول و حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة) لجميع التخصصات و ايضا جميع الفروع

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  • #31
    حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
    حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
    لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

    حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

    KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

    الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
    (.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

    اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455

    واتس اب: 966544321455+

    ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
    سكايبي : a_al_shora

    حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

    حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
    ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
    سكايبي: a_al_shora

    واتس اب: OO96654.

    Faculty of Business Studies
    Tutor Marked Assignment
    B301 B: Making Sense of Strategy II
    FALL- Semester 2015 – 2016
    Reference may be made to Block 3
    The Strategy toolkit Unit 1.
    For the purpose of this TMA you are supposed to use STEEPL/ PESTLE framework.
    1. Critically analyze and discuss (using each factor of STEEPL/PESTLE model) the IMPACT of GLOBALIZATION on banking industry in your country.

    2. Offer four (4) suggestions for improvement in the banking industry of your country.

    (Bahrain, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt or Sudan).
    (1500 Words)

    **Note: Your discussion must comprise of ALL the six factors of STEEPL/PESTEL model

    Business Functions in Context II
    B203B -- First Semester 2015-2016
    Tutor Marked Assessment

    I. TMA Topic overview: Working Environments

    The best companies to work for around the world are places where employees are excited to go to every day. Every year, business magazines like Fortune and Forbes have lists of the best companies to work for. These lists are based on certain criteria related to the working environments of these companies.

    II. Discussion Question (for essay paper and PowerPoint presentation)

    Select an organization known to be a good place to work for. Discuss the reasons that make this organization such a great place to work. In your discussion, elaborate on the culture, leadership, career development, motivation, engagement and retention strategies followed by this organization.

    III. TMA Requirements

    This TMA consists of 20% of your total course grade. It is a team project. Each team will consist of 4-5 students. The project is divided into two parts:
    1. TMA essay paper (50 marks out of 100)
    2. PowerPoint presentation (50 marks out of 100)

    • Teams of the same session should select different organization to discuss for this project. Students should arrange with their tutors in order to verify that no other team had selected the same organization for the project.

    1. TMA Essay Paper (50 marks out of 100) (1500 words)

    • The cut-off date to upload the essay paper to the LMS is December 15, 2015.
    • Each team will work on the TMA paper as they would normally do with other courses, but this time in group. This is a good opportunity for students to learn a set of skills that are very important in the professional business world, such as time management, planning, communicating with others, etc..
    • Each team is required to select a team leader. The TMA paper should be uploaded to the LMS by the team leader only. This is a very important requirement in order to avoid Turnitin similarities.
    • The names of all the team members should be written on the pt3 form, including the name of the team leader. All team members will receive the same mark on the TMA essay paper. Students are required to use the pt3 form provided on the LMS for this specific TMA.

    2. PowerPoint Presentation (50 marks out of 100)

    • Each team will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that reflects on the most important points discussed in the paper.
    • Each team will be allowed a total of 20 minutes. 12-15 minutes for the presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A and discussion.
    • All team members should contribute equally. Each member should speak for approximately 3 minutes. The last team member to speak should lead a class discussion.
    • Team members will be marked based on the “Team presentation evaluation form”. Team members are advised to use this form as a baseline for preparing the presentation.
    • Team members will receive the same mark on the PowerPoint presentation, given they have shown up and participated in the presentation. Team members who don’t show up or participate in the presentation will receive a zero on the presentation part.
    • Balanced participation in the presentation is one of the requirements mentioned in the presentation marking rubric.

    حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
    حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
    لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

    حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

    KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

    الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
    (.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

    اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455

    واتس اب: 966544321455+

    ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
    سكايبي : a_al_shora

    حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

    حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
    ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
    سكايبي: a_al_shora

    واتس اب: OO96654.


    • #32
      حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
      حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
      لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

      حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

      KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

      الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
      (.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

      اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455

      واتس اب: 966544321455+

      ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
      سكايبي : a_al_shora

      حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

      حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
      ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
      سكايبي: a_al_shora

      واتس اب: OO96654.

      AA100A: The Arts Past and Present I

      The Arts Past and Present
      First Semester 2015-2016
      Cut-off date: Week 10
      Format and Word Count:
      The student’s work should be presented in an ESSAY of around 1200 words.
      The essay should include a list of references (print and electronic) at the end in addition to in-text referencing as per the requirements of the Harvard Referencing System. Proper referencing is a serious academic requirement and skill and will be rewarded accordingly.
      Writing and Discussion Topic:
      Famous artists (painters, musicians, etc.) have established reputations. These reputations are far from being uniform, with each of these figures having more than one “reputation”. Moreover, the process of reputation construction/formation is far from being a simple and straightforward process as very little is involved in investigating the sources and accuracy of reputations. History is full of artists whose reputations in their days and in later days are much contested. Choose one such artist and provide a study of his/her reputation and the issues involved in its making. Note that the artist should not be among those covered in Book 1. First, you should read to build your understanding of the complex theme of reputation before focusing your attention on material that would help you address the subthemes numbered 1-5 below, as they apply to your artist of choice:
      1) Highlight the issues involved in setting the chosen artist in his/her historical context.

      2) Discuss how issues of historical interpretation affected the construction of the chosen artist’s reputation.

      3) Comment on the issues involved in using historical evidence appropriately as far as the reputation construction of the chosen artist is concerned.

      4) Investigate how social values/norms impact the reputation construction of this artist.

      5) Reflect on how views on tradition and innovation relate to the chosen artist’s work and his/her reputation(s).

      A150 Voices and Texts

      A150: Voices and Texts
      TMA -Semester 1 (2015-2016)
      Cut-off date: end of 10th week
      [Prepared by Course Chair: Dr. Shaju Ouseph]

      The Voices and Texts of Authority
      This assignment relates to Book 1 (chapter 3) of the course and carries 20 marks. There are two parts to the question and both must be answered together in an essay form in around 1200 words.
      "One of the notable feature of Homeric poetry, important to the theme of authority, is the Homeric similes---" Discuss how the poet has used various devices to add authority with specific reference to Book 22 (lines 166 - 265)
      Also, choose a stanza of at least eight lines from the work of any one poet of your choice, quote the lines and explain how this poet has used various devices to add beauty and value to his poem.
      Student Guidance
      In answering this question:
      Discuss briefly the concept of authority in literature and discuss how works of different authors become authoritative with clear illustration/ examples. (6 points)
      Read closely chapter 3 of Book 1 ‘Homer’s Iliad: Book 22 lines 166 to 265, and reflect upon the various devices used by Homer that give this master piece "authority". (6 points)
      Spend enough time to read poetry by different authors, and choose the poet who impressed you with the use of different devices. Introduce and explain the poem briefly, quote the stanza which must not be less than eight lines and analyze/explain how various devices have been used by the poet in the lines of your choice. (6 points)
      Conclude the essay on why and how poetry is an important tool of expression. (2 points)
      The essay cannot be in one single paragraph and is not restricted to four. Ensure you acknowledge all the sources.
      Suggested Readings
      1. Longley, M. (2006) Collected Poems, London, Jonathan Cape.
      2. Gepraziosi, B. and Haubold, J. (2005) Homer: The Resonance of Epic, London, Duckworth.
      3. Johnston, I. (trans.) (2006) Homer: The Iliad (2nd edn), Arlington, VA, Richer Resources Publications.
      4. Lattimore, R. (trans.) (1961) The Iliad of Homer, Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press.
      5. Silk, M.S. (1987) Homer: The Iliad (Landmarks of World Literature), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

      حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
      حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
      لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

      حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

      KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

      الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
      (.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

      اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455

      واتس اب: 966544321455+

      ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
      سكايبي : a_al_shora

      حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

      حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
      ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
      سكايبي: a_al_shora

      واتس اب: OO96654.


      • #33
        حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
        حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
        لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

        حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

        KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

        الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
        (.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

        اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455

        واتس اب: 966544321455+

        ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
        سكايبي : a_al_shora

        حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

        حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
        ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
        سكايبي: a_al_shora

        واتس اب: OO96654.

        B222A – Managing Technologies and Innovation
        TMA - FALL 2015-2016

        VI- PT3 FORM
        I- CASE TO STUDY
        GlaxoSmithKline: Successful Internal Innovation
        A firm may pursue new technology in two principal ways: internally, through research and development, or externally, by purchasing the technology. Each activity has benefits and drawbacks, and each takes different skills. Therefore, a firm like Cisco or GlaxoSmithKline may have both internal and external development efforts; the firm typically will develop greater skill in one area than the other. For example, Cisco’s competitive advantage has come from obtaining technology from external activities, in particular, through a large number of acquisitions each year.
        II- QUESTIONS:
        Answers to these questions should be based on: the case study, material learned from the textbook and online sources (i.e. companies’ webpages, AOU e-library databases…)

        1- Write an overview of GlaxoSmithKlein profile. For this you will have to visit GSK official website and other web pages you find interesting for your search. The profile should include information such as: the company’s history, purpose, mission, market sector, recent profit, revenues and growth, description of products categories, brands, R&D activities….
        (300 words – 33 marks)

        2- According to the passage above, GSK has put extensive efforts in its internal development to stay on top of pharmaceutical innovation. Explain the main steps conducted by GSK for this purpose.
        (400 words – 34 marks)

        3- Give a proper definition of “core competencies” and discuss how essential it is for a manufacturing company to concentrate on its core competencies. Explain how this was conducted at GSK.
        (300 words – 33 marks)

        حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة
        حل واجبات الجامعه العربية المفتوحه مع الشرح
        لجميع فروع الجامعة ولجميع التخصصات ولجميع المواد

        حلول نموذجية مضمونة وغير مكررة - قسم خاص للتربية

        KSA-Kuwait - Bahrain -Oman - Jordon -Lebanon -Egypt-Sudan

        الكويت البحرين عمان الأردن لبنان مصر البحرين حائل الرياض الدمام جدة المدينة المنورة الاحساء
        (.turnitin./ ) فحص التشابه وفقا لنظام الجامعة عن طريق موقع كشف التشابه

        اتصل : O544321455 - OO966544321455

        واتس اب: 966544321455+

        ايميل : a_al_shora@hot mail.com
        سكايبي : a_al_shora

        حل واجب الجامعة العربية المفتوحة

        حل واجبات الجامعة العربية المفتوحة O54. - OO96654.
        ايميل : a_al_shora @ h.o.t.m.ail.c.o.m
        سكايبي: a_al_shora

        واتس اب: OO96654.

