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Allocate public relations ... Creativity and suspense without borders

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  • Allocate public relations ... Creativity and suspense without borders

    Allocate public relations ... Creativity and suspense without borders

    The specialty of public relations in any media institution in the State of disciplines that are significant and have a big role in highlighting any institution and to show the bright side to it. Also is responsible and public relations officer of the device that is effective to highlight what the Association's activities and events such as exhibitions, seminars and others.

    The specialty of public relations for some public sector institutions and the majority of the private sector means consulting offers outlook on the organization's strategy, as well as the Public Relations Department is its staff of specialists, each according to his field, the link between the public and the institution is allocated requires creativity and not restrictive.

    This is the view of some academics, public relations faculty in the Department of media and some apprentices, practitioners and public relations officials and staff at the university and the opinion of students in the Department of Public Information on this specialization.

    Important for both

    See a faculty member in the Department of Information Dr. Gift recognized that one of the best definitions of public relations is reduced in all activities and efforts undertaken by the Department within the institution to build positive relationships with their constituents and to maintain them, and create an image or impression of my mind positive for the Foundation to ensure the continuity of the relationship between the institution and its audience through the application of scientific methods of the profession . It is noteworthy that this specialization after administrative social communicative, in the sense that the Department of Public Relations is a link between senior management and between the public and without their presence is difficult to communicate and interact with them.

    She recognized the staff of public relations, or as we call them practitioners of public relations must first be convinced and assured the importance of specialization for any organization, it is true that the susceptibility and composition of the individual play a major role in the success of any practitioner, but not phased the need for a science-based academic-practitioner to achieve success in this area.

    Fmmars public relations needs to be mm theories of communication and theories of management, with how to design communication strategies and planning in addition to the absorption of ethics, which is a safety valve for any specialty.

    Creativity and Suspense
    For his part, said Director of Public Relations and Information, Faisal Maqseed, to allocate public relations areas of pure science that should appear highlighted in the media age, which is fundamental to any institution, whether in private or public sector, because the specialty of public relations or Public Relations Department itself that makes the bright side of any institution.

    As for the positive aspects of this specialization and this area, there is no daily routine where there is always a representative of the developments and news and events of daily living deal with the Public Relations Department, each according to his field.

    The specifications of the public relations officer, you must first have a coherent intellectual coherence, the existence of the spirit of science and the community among the members of the Public Relations Department and provide psychological comfort to those working in this specialty and practitioners of the things that have become cons of the profession if they do not.

    Spinal column
    In turn, see the Head of International Information Programs in the Department of Media and Public Relations, Anod Al-Rashidi, the importance of public relations comes through play to form a good reputation of the organization and mental image excellent in the various groups dealing with them, indicating that public relations is a management tool to help the Organization's visibility Rising to the outside community is the backbone of the media work in the institutions in the private and public sectors, therefore, lies importance of this role.

    As for the positive aspects of this specialization, Rashidi explained that it helps individuals to see the general objectives of the institution and its work and deliver policy and vision adopted by organizations to the public outside. The disadvantages of specialization are sometimes forced, public relations officer to identify several varieties of people from different levels and the negative obstacle stands in the way public relations officer.

    The public relations officer must have several qualities, including experience and public education, research and investigation on the news.

    Build social relationships

    For Researcher Information in the Department of Media and Public Relations, Mohammed Mustafa, he felt that the selection of this discipline stems from the desire of his own and his love for this discipline, because he believes he can achieve his ambition and some of his ideas through which this discipline has significant scope for innovation and excellence.

    As for the positive aspects of this specialization, stated Mustafa, that building relationships with members of the community and transform ideas into projects that benefit society, especially in the service of people, which they earn their love, but it has a number of drawbacks which lies in the large number of concerns, fatigue and fatigue as well as the default to the parents because of concerns in this area.

    The qualities that should be enjoyed by the public relations officer is intelligence and good handling and civility and common sense, creativity, excellence and courtesy, culture, news and of public affairs.

    Student feedback

    The other side of the students in the Department of Public Information, has confirmed the student Baqer to allocate public relations is the most effective disciplines active in the department despite his young age, but it has drawn wide attention from all the institutions that have achieved great successes in recent times.

    As for what is taught concerning the curricula of public relations, sees it needs to be further developed and attention and the increase in the number of curricula specific to this area.

    He said he hoped to work in this area of activity and effectiveness in various institutions in the country, students are Qaimin this specialization and officials not to restrict the public relations officer, this is unacceptable in the field of public relations and giving him the opportunity for creativity, because specialization is based on this thing.

    In turn, said Mohammad Al-Otaibi, a student in the Department of Public Information, said that the existence of a department of public relations in any institution means that such an institution among the members of society, it is the identity that reflects and highlights the role of the institution and its activities and various events and show the community what the institution itself.

    And work in this area, he said he would very much like the work because it is based on creativity and public relations service of the institution is the institution and the institution is public relations.

    The role of the marginalized

    The student in the Information Section of the Division radio and television, Abdul Aziz rain, believes that the role of public relations should be done with all State institutions to highlight the identity of the community and to highlight the area you are working with these institutions, however, that this area suffered marginalization in most state institutions Its role is limited to a certain extent only.

    And we suggest that you close this wonderful specialty and reconsider it ... Perhaps the day will come when you find yourself a public relations official in one of the distinct prestigious institutions

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