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  • happy new year everyone
    these are the goods and bads of 2009

    i'm grauating after 3 months inshallah .. cant wait
    had a new car + fon
    lost an uncle .. allah yr7amh
    2 of ma bestfriends r not my bests any more
    learned how string i can be even if i was alone
    learned to give without expecting anything bcuz nobody cares 2 give and if u waited 4 sumthing back u'll be exhausted
    met alot of new ppl that i hope will be friends 4ever
    learned that only SOME ppl r gna watch ur back and stand up 4 u
    wrote alot of gr8 poems .. e7m e7m
    met the gr8st heart EVER .. ever ever ever
    i'm closer to my family which i LOVE soooo much
    had a cat at home and totally enjoying it lol
    lived throuhg lot of moments that i wished would last forever but will always remain in my heart ..

    whatever 2010 brings up .. i'm ready .. whether its bad or good .. and if its bad i'll make it good with my own way and no one will ruin it

    " فَـــ امان آللّه يآآ وجهـٍ عرفنـي حزّة آلحاجــــهـ "

    حسابي في تويتر @F_alamry
