
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

Bad Things

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Bad Things

    [align=center]It been hard for every one just to set and watch all the bad things in life take what ever it wants...

    I always believed in god and I will always do…

    In the past few weeks something very bad has happened that took one of my best friends life the one who promised me to be in my wedding, the one who said we should all go on trips after marrying with our family's and the only one from our friends who was really planning for his wedding it was only few weeks that was between him and his beloved women (his wife to be) she cried for his memory and stopped after days she like a lot of people moved on with her life I never moved on the truth that I never cried... yes we (me and him) always believed that a man should not cry a man should plan what next... the problem that he is not here to tell me what to do...
    I have tried to move on and be like always I even did the normal things when I go online I wrote things in the forum I even posted some stupid things that may mean nothing... I chatted with other friends but I know that I will never see his icon in my messenger green again I couldn’t take it I went off and went for a ride in my car and right there was his favorite singer CD I couldn’t touch it. It was his spirit every where after few days I was in my room on my bed looking at some photos when I cried like I never had cried ever …

    The thing that was so good about all that he died with honor he died in Holland saving a kid from drowning but there was nobody to save him…

    The doctors say there is a mysterious thing about his death… there is nothing wrong with him he was in the right shape…!! What caused the death was an unknown he just simple stopped living…

    I now don’t go any where without getting ready to die cause now I want to meet my god and my best friend when I'm really ready if he is in heaven and that what I wish he is I want to be there with him I told my mother that she said "you are not to speak like that again" she is afraid of losing me for real she said "nowadays you just don’t know when you will lose you son in the past it was war what kill people but now every thing could be a weapon".

    I thought that I should talk about this to somebody not keeping it for my self cause its bad (I think…)

    It means a lot to me if anybody shared with me there stories about losing a really close person…

    I will be waiting for your stories…



  • #2

    I'm really sorry to hear your sad story

    It's hard to lose someone close to us, but it's even harder if we don't share our feelings in such a situation with a friend or family.It's his destieny. It's all written and we as human being have nothing to deal with it.
    Life will go on no matter what! All we can do it accepting everything that comes along .
    Nobody is immortal except Allah

    we are all dying one day or another
    شكرا جوااااهر


    • #3
      deeply touched


      • #4
        [align=center]I'm so sorry to hear that , but I'm proud that you write it down,
        here is some ideas that can lead you to meet your friend in the " Jannah"
        Dear , hunnter ,
        ,remmember always allah do the better for us even in ding
        and here some ideas can lead you and him to meet again in the " Jannah"
        - always ask Allah to acept him
        - if you can give poor people money or " sadagah" becaus when you do that instead of him it will reach him in the other life
        - if you can make " Omra" or " hajj" you can do that for your self first and then for your friend coz also the " Ajer" will be to you and him
        - Always aske about his family and his favourit friends and help them when need
        be with Allah always
        Allah will not forget you or your friend
        see you around [/align]
        من أبسط حقوقهم علينا ....أن ندعو لهم ...
        اللهم لنا أخوة قد تكالب عليهم الأعداء..
        فكن لهم ناصرا ومعينا ..
        يوم عدم الناصر والمعين ...
        ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله ...
        *اللهم انصر إخواننا في فلسطين على خونة اليهود وخونة قومهم يا قوي ياعزيز , اللهم اجعل الدائرة لعبادك في غزة *
        * اللهم قوِّ عزائمهم , واربط على قلوبهم , وسدد رأيهم , وصوِّب رميهم , وأمدهم بمدد من عندك , وجند من جندك , وأبدل خوفهم أمنا , وذلهم عزا , ومهانتهم كرامة , وفقرهم غنى , وتفرقهم إلفة وتماسكا , واحمل حافيهم , واستر عاريهم , واشف مريضهم , وأطعم جائعهم , واجبر كسيرهم , وفكَّ أسيرهم , ويسِّر عسيرهم , واجعل لهم من كل همٍّ فرجا , ومن كل ضيق مخرجا , ومن كل بلاء عافية , ومنَّ عليهم بفتح مبين*
        *اللهم لاتكلهم إلى أنفسهم , ولا إلى أحد من الناس , وأغنهم بك عمَّن سواك , والبسهم لباس الصحة , واقلب محنتهم منحة , وعَبْرَتهم بسمة , وترحهم فرحا , واجعلهم شاكرين لنعمك , مثنين بها عليك قابليها , ياقوي ياعزيز *


        • #5
          thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks brother
          ممنوع وضع إعلانات في التوقيع والصور الرمزية

          تم تحرير التوقيع بواسطة الكـووس
          إدارة عاشق عمان


          • #6
            I am so sorry my friend and I think you are very brave to tell us this stry

            Many thanks to you
            أيا معشر العشاق بالله خبروا
            إذا حل عشق بالفتى كيف يصنع
            يداري هواه ثم يكتم سره
            ويخضع في كل الأمور ويخشع


            • #7
              [align=center]thank you all who passed by

              And thank you nesmat-Oman i will do them all[/align]

