
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

طــلاب الجــامـعـة,,,

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • طــلاب الجــامـعـة,,,

    السلام عليكم والرحمة

    اول شي حبيت اشكر خواتي الي بالمنتدى
    الي ساعدوني في هالموضوضع وفي الاسئلة ......

    فاريد من اخواني الجامعين يجاوبوا على هالاسئلة

    1) Can you tell me about the transition of being Student
    at school to university student?

    2) did you face any difficulties while studying in university ?

    3)what awards will you get when you complete the required modules ?

    4) what suggestions or complaints do you have totutors and programme managers ?

    5) Can you tell me about the modules that you study during this semester?

    6) what credits are required for each level ?

    واذا حد عنده سؤال اضافي وجواب يكون سوى خير لي

    الله يوفقكم يارب


  • #2
    [align=center]بما أنني رأيت موضوعك الاول
    في القسم الإنجليزي...

    وبما أن الموضوع يختص بطلاب الجامعة فحسب

    فسانقله لقسمه المناسب...

    الا وهو القسم الجامعي...

    تمنياتي لك...
    بأن تحصل على ما تريده...!!!


    • #3
      [align=center]hello there
      i ll answer u next time coz i dont have time now

      thank u alot >>>[/align]
      أستغفركـ ربي وأتوبـ إليكـ


      • #4
        [align=center]1) Can you tell me about the transition of being Student
        at school to university student?

        It is a new life, new way of living. large gap wetween school and the university.
        It is an opened world.

        2) did you face any difficulties while studying in university ?

        Toooo much man. First and the most important one is being away from your
        family. The new way of studing is another difficality we faced here. But keep
        im minde, you hae to accommodate in the new system as fast as possible.

        3)what awards will you get when you complete the required modules ?

        What do you mean by this???!!!!

        4) what suggestions or complaints do you have totutors and programme managers ?

        what kind of brograms man???...if you ment the plans, i thing they plan every
        thing very well

        5) Can you tell me about the modules that you study during this semester?

        All are from my department (Mechanical & Industrial Eng.)

        6) what credits are required for each level ?

        what level???...do you mean the whole duaration???..If this your question, i
        have to finish 135 credit hours.

        Remark: Please make the question more clear...most of your questions are
        not understood.


        • #5
          first thank u man _man 4 ur replay>>>

          1) Can you tell me about the transition of being Student
          at school to university student?
          it is a big differnseis between school and unv... i felt i be more responsiblty abt my self...

          2) did you face any difficulties while studying in university ?
          yes ... alot ...one thing is my mother be far from me and this 4 me is big problem coz i depend in every thing on here....

          3)what awards will you get when you complete the required modules ?

          explain more

          4) what suggestions or complaints do you have totutors and programme managers ?

          no thing

          5) Can you tell me about the modules that you study during this semester?

          some from Science ...other from Eng...

          6) what credits are required for each level ?
          explain more [/align]
          أستغفركـ ربي وأتوبـ إليكـ

