السلام عليكم والرحمة
اول شي حبيت اشكر خواتي الي بالمنتدى
الي ساعدوني في هالموضوضع وفي الاسئلة ......
فاريد من اخواني الجامعين يجاوبوا على هالاسئلة
1) Can you tell me about the transition of being Student
at school to university student?
2) did you face any difficulties while studying in university ?
3)what awards will you get when you complete the required modules ?
4) what suggestions or complaints do you have totutors and programme managers ?
5) Can you tell me about the modules that you study during this semester?
6) what credits are required for each level ?
واذا حد عنده سؤال اضافي وجواب يكون سوى خير لي
الله يوفقكم يارب
اول شي حبيت اشكر خواتي الي بالمنتدى
الي ساعدوني في هالموضوضع وفي الاسئلة ......
فاريد من اخواني الجامعين يجاوبوا على هالاسئلة
1) Can you tell me about the transition of being Student
at school to university student?
2) did you face any difficulties while studying in university ?
3)what awards will you get when you complete the required modules ?
4) what suggestions or complaints do you have totutors and programme managers ?
5) Can you tell me about the modules that you study during this semester?
6) what credits are required for each level ?
واذا حد عنده سؤال اضافي وجواب يكون سوى خير لي
الله يوفقكم يارب